Monday, June 4, 2007

Weird/Funny articles

Read three weird/funny articles in the papers recently.

1)A female shark managed to reproduce without mating.Seems it is pretty normal and there is even have a name for it Parthenogenesis.

2)A german man fell off the second storey balcony while trying to outspit his 12 year old son in a spitting contest

3)There is a hen turning into a cock in some part of Eastern India


Ajith Prasad Balakrishnan said...

any news links for these ? seems worthwhile for a time pass.

RvK said...

Nice. My blog is updated. please check

jakethesnake said...

@ajith-read it on the Hindu, should be available if u google it.Too lazy to do it myself :)
rvk-Lovely post

Hitchhiker said...

hahaha....loved the last one :D