Saturday, July 7, 2007

A change in layout inspired by blackle-the greener google; and plus it helps that i never liked the orange, green layout.

May my armchair activism save a few microwatts of energy...

So these energy saving rules make the following fellow bloggers the biggest polluters.
Kandy, Ajith,Sajiv,Vinay

Intermediate polluter: Hitchhiker

And surprise surprise. The greenest blogger of all is our very own chain smoking Dutta

PS:I really tried hard to put a title to this post,but blogger just wouldn't let me.


Ajith Prasad Balakrishnan said...

My initial version was black..but then, lot of visiters didnt like it..And yeah, adsense earnings are better for white background :)

Anonymous said...


I'm not a pollutant.. just another inefficient energy consumer.

Hitchhiker said...

:) heyy..same pinch..I was an arm chair activist for some time before somebody pointed out that this is just a marketing gimmick. I dint read too much to support any of the sides :) plus it looked better without the black. So I switched back to google...activism is dead, long live activism ;)

Anurag said...

ha ha ha ha
whoever wrote nething bout that pollution thingy must be long as i come out in good light
acha hai acha hai