Sunday, April 29, 2007

Yet another marriage in Chennai...

but this time I was not invited :p.Saurabh aka Dallah(pimp,hustler in English)was down to attend the marriage of a college friend(Dallah is from NIT Trichi btw).The boy's folks were against the marriage, hence the couple decided to elope.
To bolster the baarath party all his friends, including Dallah streamed down,at short notice.
Expectedly the first thing Dallah asks for when he lands down on a hot chennai afternoon is not water or lunch but a round of beers at the bar.I would have prefferd something solid but at the moment I was starving and even beer looked heavenly.
While we tottered along on my mobike,some snippets of our conversation:
Dallah:"..the girl was not worth fighting with your parents for.."
Me:" is blind dude.."

Dallah:"Do u know K is getting married to U"
Me:"..Dont tell me!.."
(K marrying U would be a love story right out of the movies.K and U were working in the same project and one night the cab dropping them met with an accident.Both K and U were hospitalised and once released from hospital were romantically involved.)
Dallah"..both parents have given their blessings.."

While at the bar we gup shupped about careers and his life as an MBA student.
After downing a few beers and under a cloud of cigarette smoke:

Dallah:"..u know something.."
Dallah:" i saw a girl for marriage"(silly giggle)
Me " how did it go"
Dallah"shes awesome..we decided to wait for 1 year..will be in touch till then.."

Umm marriage flood gates seem to have opened.But why get married when its so much fun being single.Thats my logic,at least for now :p

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