Monday, March 5, 2007

Colourful me

Been an awful week.First I contracted something nasty which turned my eyes all red.The doctors diagnosed it as a case of severe throat infection and prescribed some antibiotics which were absolutely awful.By the next day I developed a rash and my imagination went haywire.I have always been sceptical of doctors opinions cause they see like a hundred patients a day and so I guess they are as prone as us Software Engineers to umm..humm..miss a bug.
I did my own research and zeroed on to chickungunya.I had all the symptoms of Chickungunya except severe joint pain though my mind started playing games and I could feel my legs go wobbly
Armed with my research I went back to the docs but no amount of yapping could convince them.They dismissed my rash as a reaction to the antibiotics and prescribed a new set for me.
I spent Holi with my eyes all red and face in different shades of blue, a colourful Holi of a different kind!!

Thankfully it seems the docs were right and I am now in the pink of health.


Hitchhiker said...

Awww...I hope u r better? .... Chickengunya????? :) You sound like one of those just-into-med-college fucchas....
There's a documented proof that all students who go into medical-college, go paranoid in the first year thinking they have the symptoms of all the diseases they read about.

jakethesnake said...

@hitchhiker-yeah sad that i had to settle for something so dull sounding as severe throat infection.Mebbe they should create a new disease called Snakengunya based on my sypmtoms:)

csy0182 said...

I thought the real spelling was "Chicken Guinea" till a few months back..

jakethesnake said...

children,know more about chickungunya here